Faith Over Fear: Navigating Job Searching with Tawakkul
Job searching and uncertainty can be a stressful, testing situation. How can we develop trust in Allah to persist towards success?
Maliha Z.
2 min read
‘And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make a way out for them, and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He alone is sufficient for them.’ Quran 65:2-3
Tawakkul is to trust and rely on Allah alone. What this means is we do everything we possibly can within our ability and leave the outcome to Allah – and so tawakkul is naturally a large part of our careers as Muslims, particularly feeling it when we are looking for a job.
For many who are starting their careers, the struggle to land your first role can be an extremely difficult period – especially when it takes longer than you might have expected. Once you have done your best at the application and/or interview stages, the outcome is out of your hands. Rejections can be deflating and while it is easy to lose hope, this is the key time to surrender to Allah.
Below are some key points to remember, to increase your tawakkul while you embark on your career journey, despite how rocky it may seem.
1. Your provision is already written
Allah has already written our earnings, the same way as our food and other blessings for example – so what is written for you will never pass you, even if the situation seems like it’s hitting dead-ends. At these times consider that everything you have so far has been written – whether it’s your education, or the meal you’ve just eaten. You won’t get to the job unless you keep striving towards what He has written for you, the same way you might have applied for University or gone out to get groceries.
2. Your patience is a means of reward
Patience – known as Sabr in Arabic – is a key part of Islam and highly rewarded. Allah says, ‘Verily, I have rewarded them this Day for their patience; they are indeed the ones that are successful.’ Quran 23:111
Consider that while it seems you are at loss in the dunya – the worldly life - you are only increasing in good if you are growing your patience with Allah’s decree.
3. Dua is your superpower
Allah is Ar-Razzaq, the Provider – if you need something, why not ask the source of everything you have? Dua – which is to call out to Allah directly – is one of the most powerful tools we have been given. Allah says ‘Call upon Me, I will respond to you.’ Quran 40:60
See our Duas for Success resource for a collection of prophetic duas and the best times to make dua.
4. Remain hopeful
Of all, the most important thing is to stay hopeful in Allah that He will give you what you’re looking for, if not better. Allah says, ‘I am as My servant thinks I am’; think well of Allah, as generous and kind, so that He will be as such towards you.
Remember that He has gotten you this far and remain hopeful He will take you even further. Strengthen your faith over your fear.