IHSAN Careers Consultancy Experience

Welcome to the IHSAN Careers Consultancy Experience (ICCE), an exciting programme designed to empower you by providing real-world consultancy experience. Our programme connects you with excellent businesses and community projects, fostering skills that propel your career forward while upholding Islamic values.

How does it work?

Bridging Theory and Practice:

  • Get ready to tackle real-world problems as you team up with other participants and are assigned a client to work with.

  • The client will give you a case brief to work on and you'll need to work together to ideate a solution and then propose it to the client in a presentation.

  • Gain hands-on experience by working on live consultancy projects that make a tangible impact!

Skill Development:

  • Enhance your teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and analytical skills through guided training and real-life applications.

  • Working together with the client to develop a solution is an opportunity to empower one another and create something truly remarkable.

  • By presenting your proposed solution with confidence and clarity, you could potentially inspire and motivate the client to take their business to new heights!

Structured Consultancy Projects:

  • Participants engage in structured projects designed to address specific business needs, allowing them to apply knowledge and skills in practical settings.

  • Each project is tailored to both challenge the participants and meet the needs of partnering organisations.

Participant Benefits

Real Industry Engagement:

Collaborate with established professionals and businesses from a wide range of industries to solve actual business challenges.

Career Advancement:

Meet and work with new people on this project which in turn enhances your employability and professional network.

Acquire new skills and experience that you can present on your CV to access new opportunities!

Application Process

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Current university students;

  • Recent graduates;

  • Early career professionals.

To get the most out of the programme, you're required to be available and engaged for the entire duration. Please make sure you can commit fully before you apply!

How to Apply:

Applications to ICCE are currently closed, but if you'd like to register your interest to be notified when they open again, please fill out the form below.

Register your interest